BSW THREAD :- (British standard whitworth thread )
British thread metric input in 'Inch' and angle is always 55 degree
given 1/2 BSW
1/2 = 1 inch/2
= 0.5"
Calculate major diameter = 0.5 x 25.4
= 12.7 mm
from thread data chart for minor diameter compair major diameter row = 9.99 mm
TPI (Thread per inch ) = no. of thread
TPI = 12
Convert TPI into pitch = 25.4/12 ......................................( 1" = 25.4 mm)
Pitch = 2.1166 mm
Thread depth = (major dia - minor dia) / 2
= (12.7-9.99) = 1.355 mm
In metric thread is always given major diameter and pitch
British thread metric input in 'Inch' and angle is always 55 degree
given 1/2 BSW
1/2 = 1 inch/2
= 0.5"
Calculate major diameter = 0.5 x 25.4
= 12.7 mm
from thread data chart for minor diameter compair major diameter row = 9.99 mm
TPI (Thread per inch ) = no. of thread
TPI = 12
Convert TPI into pitch = 25.4/12 ......................................( 1" = 25.4 mm)
Pitch = 2.1166 mm
Thread depth = (major dia - minor dia) / 2
= (12.7-9.99) = 1.355 mm
In metric thread is always given major diameter and pitch
EXAMPLE : M24X2 is given
Major diameter is 24
Pitch is 2
Thread depth calculation = Pitch x 0.61363
= 2 x 0.61363
= 1.227
Minor diameter = 20-1.22 = 22.78 mm
Reviewed by harshal
July 21, 2018