CNC KNOWLEDGE What is Edit mode in CNC ? How to insert a new program into CNC ? - CNC KNOWLEDGE

What is Edit mode in CNC ? How to insert a new program into CNC ?

         Edit mode is very important in CNC. This mode is used to enter and store programs in a CNC machine. If you want to copy, cut, delete a program, you can do it in this mode. Also, this mode is used to replace any code or command in the program.

Insert a new program into the system

Step 1 – Press “ EDIT” key.


Step 3 - Press “PROG” key.

Step 4 – Write new program number which is start from alphabet O
               Like: O0123

               Press “INSERT” key. ( new window opens )

               Press “EOB” key. (for complete block)

               Press “ INSERT” key.

Step 5 – write the program

 (1. If anything wrong while writing then uses “CAN” key to cancel.
 2. If wrong command or code insert in a block then cursor on these and press “DELETE” key . )

[Note: Program store automatically in system ]

Program COPY, CUT and PASTE

Step 3 – Press “PROG” key. Select the program you want to copy.

Step 4 – Press soft key “LEFT-HAND ARROW” button. Pressing this key will bring up the “SELECT” option at the bottom of the screen. Then

Press “soft key just below the SELECT option “

Step 5 - After that, you have to select the program you want to copy. To select
Press “CURSOR DOWN” key.

Step 6 – Then the bottom of the screen there is COPY, CUT option. Depending on your convenience, you can use a copy for copy OR cut for delete. But here we have to select the copy.

Press “ soft key just below the  COPY”

Step 7 - To paste the copied program, type the program no. of the program you want to paste in.ex. we want to paste in Prog NO. O0123

Type program no.(O0123) in the system then

Press “ INSERT” key.

Step 8 – Set cursor position where you want to paste.

Step 9 – Then the bottom of the screen there is PASTE option.

Press “ soft key just below the PASTE”.

For Replace code or command

Step 4 – Select code or command which is want to replace.
Ex. Here we want to change T0202 take cursor on this command.
And want to replace with T0101.

Step 5 – Type “T0101”.

Step 6 – Press “ALTER” key.

Deleted total program

Step 4 – Select cursor on Program no. here we select program no  O0123 in following image.

Step 5 – Press “ DELETE” key.

Step 6 – After press delete key then machine asks confirmation the massage will show in the screen as below image. There is two option

CAN (Cancel for deletion process)

EXEC (Execute for deletion process)

Step 7 – Press “soft key just below EXEC”. 

What is Edit mode in CNC ? How to insert a new program into CNC ? What is Edit mode in CNC ? How to insert a new program into CNC ? Reviewed by on April 21, 2020 Rating: 5
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